October 7, 2023


In the realm of weddings, it's often the small details that leave the most lasting impressions. A delicate corsage or boutonniere crafted from dried flowers can be a testament to the enduring beauty found in nature, even when our flower gardens are no longer in full bloom.

Dried roses, Russian sage, common mullein, lemon balm, and juniper - these seemingly humble elements come together to form exquisite smudge sticks. These tightly wrapped bundles, created from dried herbs and medicinal flowers, carry with them a touch of nature's magic. When ignited, they release a fragrant smoke that purifies spaces, making them ideal for cleansing rituals or ceremonial occasions. 

The practice of smudging, using sacred herbs like white sage, holds deep historical and cultural significance. For many Indigenous groups, it was both a medicinal and ceremonial act, offering a profound connection to the natural world. However, the popularity of white sage has inadvertently led to its over-harvesting, raising concerns about its sustainability. In crafting my smudge sticks, I've chosen to use Russian sage as an alternative.