March 7, 2023

Echoes of Life: A Symphony of Hearts

Under the gentle embrace of a cover, I lay on the couch, gazing into the depths of the night. All around, an unbroken expanse of darkness meets my open eyes, blurring the line between wakefulness and dreams. The only sound, the steady rhythm of my heart, echoes in the stillness – Lub dub, lub dub, lub dub. I marvel at its resonance. Can others in the room sense its cadence, too? Tonight, it seems to reverberate with a newfound intensity. 

In this quiet moment, I am acutely aware of the symphony of life coursing through my veins. Each passing minute, my heart dutifully orchestrates the intricate ballet of existence, dispatching vital sustenance to every corner of my being. Inside me is a bustling metropolis of biological marvels, where rivers of blood flow alongside highways of vessels, ferrying essential nutrients, oxygen, and life itself. 

My toes extend, finding the warm, lightly-haired chest of our faithful dog, River. She envelops me in a cocoon of comfort, her own heartbeat a fervent lullaby. I know, of course, that her heart races at a different tempo, a testament to her vibrant canine spirit. In the stillness, her pulse thrums, a steady cadence that speaks of contentment, as if she is racing through a boundless meadow. Our cherished companion, part border collie, embodies life's vigor. Her heart beats with an energy that ranges from 60 to 140 beats per minute, a lively counterpoint to my own steady 60 to 100. In this quiet moment, I can't help but think about her shorter lifespan compared to my own. Yet, I push those thoughts aside; I don't want to dwell too long on the brevity of her journey. Instead, I let myself be immersed in the melodic dance of our hearts, the synchrony of breath, and the intertwined rhythm of our lives. 

As consciousness ebbed into the realm of dreams, our hearts remain steadfast. Their harmonious tempo is a testament to life's enduring enchantment. Lub dub, lub dub, lub dub. The preciousness of time reveals itself in the gentle rise and fall of River's chest, in the quiet moment we are in. It reminds me to savor every fleeting instant with loved ones, to relish in the simple joys that make life so profoundly beautiful. 

American writer, Joseph Campbell once wrote, "The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature." And in that quiet sanctuary, entwined with the faithful heartbeat of River, I found my own quiet accord with the universe.