December 22, 2021



Ruins of Holyrood Chapel. Was once the abbey of the Canons Regular in Edinburgh, Scotland. The abbey was founded by David 1 of Scotland in 1128.

Memorial Inscription

"In the Middle of this Chapel Lie the Remains of EUPHEMIA, Widow of William Stewart, Esq. of Castle Stewart, in the shire of Wigton, Sixth daughter of Kenneth Lord Fortrose, Son of William fifth Earl of Seaforth; She died suddenly on the 14th February 1817 in the 67th year of her age. WILLIAM, eldest son of the deceased, an officer in the Royal Engineers, Died in 1796, in the Island of St Domingo, in the 24th year of his age. JOHN, the second son, Capt. of His Majesty's Ship Sea-Horse, Died in 1811, in the 36th year of his age, and was buried in Westminster Abbey; KENNETH, the youngest Son, An officer in the Royal Artillery, died in 1798, in the Island of St Vincent, in the 19th year of his age."

The small tablet below the main tablet reads:

"To the memory of Captain Henry Curtis of the 2nd Dragoon Guards, seventh son of the Rev. Charles Curtis of Solihull in the county of Warwick, died at Piershill Barracks 28th of June 1832 aged 26 years.